Respuesta :
What are the benefits?
The benefits include the pay,
the future prospect of a promotion,
an opportunity to learn and interact with people.
What are the monetary costs?
The monetary cost includes the cost of transportation which is either a bus fare or the cost to purchase a bicycle and the cost of lunch.
What are the non-monetary costs?
Non-Monetary cost includes the stress of waking up on time every day and going to work,
the stress of rushing to the bus station on time,
the stress of ridding a bike to work every day.
What are the opportunity costs?
Opportunity cost are those other jobs or things he could be doing out there that he will forgo by choosing this job.
Do the benefits outweigh the costs?
It depends on the individual, if you are the type who values stability, with not much responsibility and appreciates working with very friendly colleagues, then this will be a good place to start your career. But for someone with huge dreams and more responsibility, the opportunity cost of a better opportunity out there far outweigh the benefits.
Some of the Benefits of the Job are:
- Proximity to home
- opportunities for vertical and horizontal advancement within the company
- Friendly colleagues
- Casual atmosphere
The Monetary cost is:
The cost of bus ride (when one cannot walk or bike home)
The non-monetary cost is:
There is not much to do besides filling out and filing paper work
The opportunity cost is:
By deciding to take this job, I will probably be forgoing other higher paying and more challenging jobs.
Do the benefits outweigh the cost?
This depends totally on what the other opportunities are. The question does not exactly state there is an alternative job to compare with and select.