Respuesta :


Nearest hundred: 0

Nearest hundredth: 26.35

Step-by-step explanation:

The hundred place value is three numbers to the left of the dot.

The two hundreds that are nearest to 26.35 are 0 and 100. To decide if you should round up (to 100) or round down (to 0), use the place value that is to the right of the hundred place: the number you are using is 2.

The rule for rounding:

Round up if the place value is 5 or more

Round down if the place value is 4 or less

Since 2 is "4 or less", round down to 0.

Since 26.35 is closer to 0 than 100:

26.35 => 0 when rounded to the nearest hundred

In case you meant hundredth:

The nearest hundredth means two decimal places, or two numbers right of the dot.

The number 26.35 already has two decimal places, so rounded to the nearest hundredth is still 26.35.

26.35 => 26.35