Excavators at the Indus Valley site of Harappa in mirrors-an ability that is often considered a sign eastern Pakistan say the discovery of inscribed of self-awareness-and to grasp spontaneously shards dating to circa 2800-2600 B.C. indicate their dolphins' ability to recognize themselves in development of a Harappan writing system, the use mirrors-an ability that is often considered as a of inscribed seals impressed into clay for marking sign of self-awareness-and of spontaneously ownership, and the standardization of weights for trade grasping or taxation occurred many decades, if not centuries, dolphins to be capable of recognizing earlier than was previously believed.
A) indicate their development of a Harappan writing system, the use of
B) indicate that the development of a Harappan writing system, using
C) indicates that their development of a Harappan writing system, using
D) indicates the development of a Harappan writing system, their use of
E) indicates that the development of a Harappan writing system, the use of