
"Wallace was ascribing what type of motive to Stalin's actions in Eastern Europe at the end of World War II

Respuesta :

In the context of the Second World War (1939 - 1945), the Stalinist regime had to fight the opposition of the Nazi-fascist regimes against communism and socialism. Having a decisive participation in the destinies of this international conflict, the Soviet government consolidated itself in the political scene, establishing several zones of political, ideological and economic influence with the installation of the bipolar order.




According to a different source, this is the passage that comes with this question:

In his speech at Madison Square Garden in September 1946, Secretary of Commerce Henry Wallace said:

“To achieve lasting peace, we must study in detail just how the Russian character was formed—by invasions of Tartars, Mongols, Germans, Poles, Swedes, and French; by the czarist rule based on ignorance, fear, and force; by the intervention of the British, French, and Americans in Russian affairs from 1919 to 1921; by the geography of the huge Russian land mass situated strategically between Europe and Asia; and by the vitality derived from the rich Russian soil and the strenuous Russian climate.”

In this passage, Wallace argues that the history of Russia was a series of attacks and invasions from a great number of people. The purpose of arguing this is to show that the Russian people had good reason to defend their country from other powers. This is what Wallace believes motivated Stalin's actions in Eastern Europe at the end of World War II.