In ancient times, a population of 140,000 people made
Athens the largest city in Greece. It was located in
Greece's Attica region, near the Bay of Phaleron. Its
economy was fueled by agriculture, and Athens was an
important center for trade. Its culture was forward-looking
and democratic, and military service was optional for its
citizens. Located 150 miles inland on the Peloponnese
peninsula of Greece, Sparta had a population of 100,000,
and its economy also depended on agriculture. Unlike
Athens, Sparta was ruled by a small body of elite citizens
rather than by the people themselves. Spartan culture
emphasized physical strength and discipline, and it had
rigid requirements for all citizens. For instance, military
service was mandatory for all adult males.
Which organizational pattern is used in the passage?
A. Cause and effect
B. Compare and contrast

Respuesta :

A. Compare and contrast


B. Compare and contrast


Quiz taken