The process of developing and executing strategies and tactics to market and sell a product or service to a very specific target segment is:

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Micromarketing consists of the maneuver of marketing levers aimed at modifying, increasing and influencing the buying behavior of the consumer in the store. The aim is to increase customer acquisition, retention, extention levels by providing a reward (benefit) or by simply direct marketing for information purposes only.  In general, it is  for very specific segment or target in order to develop or execute the strategies to do in the market.

By acquisition we mean the ability of the retail seller to acquire a new share of customers.

By retention is meant the ability to maintain this share of customers permanently over time.

By extention instead we indicate the increase in the quantities / volumes purchased at the retailer by the same consumers.

Micromarketing is therefore a sort of "micronization" of the marketing levers traditionally used. Consumer loyalty (store loyalty) is one of the main objectives, but there are also others that can be pursued equally, such as increasing the frequency of purchase of certain products, changing the composition of the receipt by stimulating category switching (exchange category) etc. It is also possible to support integrated marketing initiatives with the industry (think of a reward that stimulates the purchase of one product rather than another, of a specific brand rather than another, etc.).