Write a program that reads a sentence as input and converts each word to "Pig Latin". In one version of Pig Latin, you convert a word by removing the first letter, placing that letter at the end of the word, and then appending "ay" to the word. Here is an Example: English: I SLEPT MOST OF THE NIGHT Pig Latin: IAY LEPTSAY OSTMAY FOAY HETAY IGHTNAY

Respuesta :


The program statement will be written using Microsoft Visual C# Console

string val,vall;

Console.Write("Enter Sentence :");

vall = Console.ReadLine();

val = vall.ToUpper();

string[] words = val.Split(' ');

string[] word = new string[words.Length];

int kount = 0;

string newword = string.Empty;

for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++)


if (words[i].Length > 1)


char[] ch = words[i].ToCharArray();

for (int j = 1; j < words[i].ToCharArray().Length; j++)


newword += ch[j];


newword += ch[0] + "AY ";

word[kount] = newword;





newword += words[i] + "AY ";







The first line declares two variables of string data-type

Line 2 prints "Enter Sentence" without the quotes

Line 3 accepts the sentence to be converted to Latin

Line 4 converts the sentence to uppercase

Line 5 splits the sentence word by word

Line 6 creates an array variable

Line 7 creates and initialise a variable kount to 0

Line 8 creates another variable newword,this variable would be used as output variable

Line 9 creates an iterative process

Line 11 checks if the length of a particular word in the sentence is a greater than one

If yes,

Line 13 to 20 Moves the first letter to the last then appends AY then saved in newword variable

If no,

Line 24 - 25 appends AY directly to the word currently in the iteration then saved in newword variable

Line 28 prints the Latin word equivalent of the input sentence.

Universidad de Mexico