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Each of the classes attributes are given below:

a. Real Estate Listing

Real estate listing means advertising about selling some property that can be a house, shop or plot etc. This type of class can have following attributes.

i.  Variable Plotaddress with data type String

ii. Variable Plotsize with data type integer

iii. Variable Plotprice with datatype integer

In selling plot these attributes should be include.

b. Vacation

Vacation are the fixed leave from job to employee or from some education institute to students. In vacation people plan trips or picnic to some other cities or countries. There can be following Attributes for this class.

i. Variable vacationdays with data type integer

ii. Variable vacationtype with data type string

iii. Variable vacationtourplace with datatype string

c. Credit Card Bill

Credit card bills contain the information of billing period, statement of income and information about purchasing through card. It also have the information of debit or credit of money in the account. This class have following attributes.

i. Variable Creditcardbillperiod with data type string

ii. Variable creditcardbillpurchasing with data type Integer

iii. Variable creditcardbillcreditamount with data type integer

The variables of real estate include plot address, plot size, and lot price. The vacation includes the vacation days, type, and tour place. The credit card bill includes bill period, bill period, and amount.

What are the attributes ?

The attribute is some things that cause or create something and s features that are regarded of its characteristics. Real estate is are for the properties or buildings for the residents. The vacation refers to the place of stay and your travel. The credit card bill is the amount and the period if payments.

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