Type the statements. Then, correct the one syntax error in each statement. Hints: Statements end in semicolon.
System.out.printl("Predictions are hard.");
System.out.print("Especially ');
System.out.println("about the future.").
System.out.println("Num is: " - userNum);
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Lalala {
public static void main(String [] args) {
int userNum = 5;
/* Your solution goes here */
I searched for the question and missing parts can be seen above. According to these, we need to correct each statement. Let's remember the syntax rules first.
System.out.println("Hello"); is used to print Hello on the screen. Please pay attention to the name of the function, usage of quotes, and the semicolon. Also, if you like to print a number along with the string, "+"sign must be used. (i.e. System.out.println("Hello" + number);)
- System.out.printl("Predictions are hard."); → This should have "n" at the end of the printl.
- System.out.print("Especially '); → This should have " instead of '
- System.out.println("about the future."). → This should end with ;
- System.out.println("Num is: " - userNum); → This should have + instead of -