- Sculpting procedure: It is a medical or a surgical process during which the different layers of the intugumentary or the skin layers are treated, by freezing the fat cells in it and then when the unwanted cells are dead they are diagnosed by the liver inside the body.So, that the effected person(due to obesity ) can have a healthy and normal body structure or balance. As the surgical procedures are carried in order to assemble the whole body back to normal.
- Hypothesis falsification:In order to test and approve a single scientific research to be valid it is passed through various test and then if we found that an information valid to be accredited as true or valid then, it goes down the generations for more development in it.
- Metaphorical relation between the two concepts:
The procedure of the sculpting method has developed after doing a number of research works made on them, as no body at first knew about the technique of treating the layers which are due to the depletion of the fatty cells in them. So, it was very unclear for the people in the past about the reason of fatty molecules inside the different layers of the body parts.And after doing a number of research works on the different biological molecules, the scientist came to know that there are depletion of fatty molecules inside the skin's layer.
So, the sculpting procedure went through a process of testing and after which it got the credibility and had the approval by the medical team to implement it on the patients who are effected due to the disorder.