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Teach them the mistakes you made and why it doesn’t work. That way if they make the same mistakes, they can say “oh okay, I know this isn’t right. I’ll try something different.”

If I had to teach someone a lesson I learned from my failure it would be the lesson you learn from your mistakes is that even though you mess up. Things are going to be okay and you can grow from it. Ask a person that you look up to about their little fumbles and mistakes and they will say at first I was upset and disappointed in myself but in the end I was okay and I was able to grow from this experience.

Being able to deal with your mistakes and other things that let you down is a huge part of your journey through life. Overcoming the conflict like the classic theme in every hero story that you have either read or heard of. Getting knocked down and getting right back up again is not only apart of life, but it's how we learn to except the changes life throws at us and grow from them.

None of us ever look forward to making our next mistake, but we all know that we have many mistakes and occasional slip ups from time to time but we have our whole lives ahead of us