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You need to acces your inner strenghs and look at topics that interest you then narrow it down to one if you cant try both of them.



Does this career sound interesting?

As author Cal Newport has so eloquently advocated, you don’t have to be passionately head-over-heels for a career in order to thrive. (In fact, following a passion can be a big mistake.) However, a career should genuinely interest you on a gut level. It’s a good sign if you hear about a job and think, “Yeah, tell me more about that!”

Does this career involve work that you could be good at?

Many skills can be learned if you commit the time, but pursuing a career that actively goes against your natural tendencies is a giant fail waiting to happen. If you’re an introverted research type, don’t force yourself into a sales job—no matter how cool it sounds. Likewise, big-picture people will not find happiness in a tiny-details job. If the work itself clashes with your personality or skill set, move on.

Does this career fulfill your essential needs?
