Respuesta :

A day to celebrate the life and dream of Martin Luther King, Jr.

A day to reaffirm the American ideals of freedom, justice, and opportunity for all

A day to love not hate, for understanding not anger, for peace not war.
A day for family, to share together, to reach out to relatives and friends, and to mend broken relationships.

A day when community rids itself of the barriers that divide it and comes together as one.

A day when people of all races, religions, classes, and stations in life put aside their differences and join in a spirit of togetherness.

A day for our Nation to pay tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr., who awakened in us the best qualities of the American spirit.

A day for nations of the world to cease all violent actions, seek nonviolent solutions, and demonstrate that peace is not just a dream but a real possibility, if only for one day.

If for only one day, each of us serves as a "drum major for justice and peace," then we bring to life the inspiring vision of freedom of which Martin Luther King, Jr., dreamed.