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Yes, it's is.
- Critical thinking: It's when you see the whole and complete panorama of the problem, analyze it objectively and take a decision considerating as well the consequences.
-Wisdom: It's acquire it through the year and you can describe it as the experience.
-Intelligence: It's the academic knowledge of different subjects and thinks.
-Well-being: When a person has the mental and physical conditions to have a quiet and happy life, or at least, feels like he/she has it.
1.- No, not always.
2.- Sometimes but smart people most of the time is selfish and that it's not a attribute from good people.
-Good: When someone sees beyond his own interests and does not do thing that could harm others, always seeks for the well-being of the people noy oly for his.
-Smart: It's the knowledge combined with the capacity of strategy.
No, you can't. Because intelligence teaches you science and mathematical thinking and to become good, you need to let go at somepoint the logical thinking and let you guide by your feelings.
1. To understand if wisdom/critical thinking is a better predictor of well-being than intelligence, the following terms are defined.
a) Critical thinking involves the use of intellectual tools to arrive at beliefs and actions. It is a process of making decisions.
b) Wisdom: This is knowledge or intelligence backed by insight gained through experience or by actions. It is not just the simple acquisition of knowledge. Wisdom is practiced knowledge.
c) Intelligence: This is the ability of an individual to acquire knowledge. It also refers to the information acquired through intellectual processes.
d) Well-being: This is a state or condition of happiness, comfort, and health.
Thus, we can conclude that wisdom or critical thinking is a better predictor of well-being than intelligence. We have seen intelligent people who lack wisdom or do not use critical thinking to arrive at their decisions.
2. Good people should be smart to show that they have used their wisdom or critical thinking to understand that it pays to be good than evil.
3. In the world today, smart people are not necessarily good. Smartness now refers to acuteness in practicing deceit. This phenomenon should not be obtainable in our world created for goodness.
4. "Good" refers to righteousness or being morally right. It connotes the presence of love, respect, admiration.
5. "Smart" refers to showing a quick-witted intelligence. It is a quality of somebody that obtains knowledge or information to deal with competitive situations. The person may not necessarily display an attitude of love.
6. As human beings, we can use our intelligence to become "good" if we choose love over profit to rule our thoughts and actions.
Thus, the difference between these terms lies in their application. These combined attributes and abilities can enhance the welfare of humanity.
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