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Answer:The answer is C
The financial market is a market where short term and long term loan can be obtained, it comprises of the money market and the capital market. The money market provides short term finance to lenders which lenders can use for up to two years before repayment. The money market consist of the commercial banks, Discount houses, merchant banks, finance companies. While the capital market provides long term loans to lenders which lenders can then use for more than two years before repayment. The capital market consist of issuing houses,insurance companies, mortgage bank,the stock exchange.
The simple market for loan able funds is made up of the surplus economic unit which comprises of the savers of funds,the investors as well as the purchaser or buyers of financial claims( assets) while the deficit economic unit is made up of issuers of financial claim and borrowers. This simple market for loan able funds works through process by which the participants in the market mobilized fund from the surplus economic unit to the deficit economic unit for the purpose of investment in the economy. When a borrower needed funds such borrowers will approach a financial institutions to borrow, the financial institutions will lend the money to the borrower from the savings made by the depositors into their account and the financial institutions will charge an interest rate on the loan lend out to the borrowers. The borrowers will then use the loan to invest in the economy.