The capability needs for a new software-intensive telecommunicationssystem are well understood, but funding is not available to meet all thecapabilities at once. The user is willing to field a basic system initially andadd the rest of the capabilities over a period of three years. Whichdevelopment model is best suited for this project? [27a. Given a software-intensivesystem (such as a telecommunications or guidance system), select an appropriate softwaredevelopment methodology.][Remediation Accessed :N]

a.Incremental model
b. Spiral model
c. Waterfall model
d. Life cycle model

Respuesta :

Answer:   Option A


Explanation: The incremental construct model refers to a application development approach whereby, until the project is completed, the system is planned, installed and evaluated progressively. This includes growth as well as upkeep. When it meets for all its specifications, the product is described as completed.

The product is broken down into various different features, each of which is independently designed and constructed (as setups). When finished, each element is shipped to the customer. This helps the item to be partly used and prevents a long period of production.