Enrique's Journey Character Graphic Organizer
include a
quotation with
the pape that
shows the
How does the
time passed
wiect the
How does this
dat we
approach to the
with other?
factual details do what obstacles
How does the
you notice about deves the Explain how this characters
the character'? character face obstacle is or is respond to each
(Occupation, Physical, Mental
not a human
Attitude, and Emotional mphits issue. what is the effect
Description, etc)
of that response?
He loves his He is often Since he is
mother. He beaten by going to
often gets into police and America
arguments gangs and has illegally, it
with his been pushed would be a
family off of a train human rights
members and He is into issue.
gets into bad drugs and gets
moods. He is angry
and strong