You will need to use information learned in this unit as well as conducting outside (50 (NEED HELP ASAP)research online or in a textbook. In a few paragraphs (about 200-300 words), describe the problems that caused the decline of the Roman Empire. Also, explain what the leadership could have done to prevent the fall of the empire.

Your essay needs to have an introduction answering the prompt above, a couple of body paragraphs which uses facts and information to back up your claim/answer, and a conclusion paragraph.

Respuesta :


The fall of the Western Roman Empire occurred in 476 AD


During the fifth century, the Roman Empire was completely exhausted. Already at the beginning of the century, barbarian tribes began to invade Italy as well. As early as 410 AD, the Visigoths invaded Rome and devastated it for days, which was the first symptom of the collapse of the then unbreakable empire. The weakening of the Roman continued in continuity so that the Romans came into conflict with the Hun tribes. In 451, one of the greatest and bloodiest battles of Roman history took place. True, the result of the battle in the Catalan fields belonged to Rome, but with dire consequences. Only four years after this battle (455.), the Vandals will plunder the "eternal city." All these events will weaken Rome economically, militarily and politically. The last Roman emperor was Romulus Augustus, who was overthrown by German military commander Odoakar and proclaimed king of Italy. Thus, in 476, the largest empire in history ceased to exist.

When we talk about the fall of the Western Roman Empire, we have to look back to the events before 476 AD. The fall of the Roman Empire is not an event that happened "overnight." The causes go back a long way, so for the decline of the Roman Empire, we can say that it is a continuous and long-term process that culminated in 476 AD. Therefore, at the time of the fall, the authorities could do nothing to prevent the Roman Empire from collapsing, an opportunity that led to this event much further into the past. The fact that the Roman rulers were helpless at the time of the fall is also indicated by the fact that Odoakar did not liquidate the last Roman emperor but sent him into retirement (with a very large pension), which means that he did not pose any threat to him. Finally, it is important to point out that the fall of the Roman Empire in world historiography was taken as the beginning of a new period in history, the early Middle Ages.