Respuesta :

Answer: half of Texans,about 40 percent were identified as Hispanic or Latino, while 7 percent of all judges in the state identify as Hispanic


Hispanic Americans are Americans with Spain or Latino America root, that is, Americans who speak Spanish Language. About 59.9 million Hispanics living the United States which constitutes to about 18% of the overall population. Hispanics are the second-largest ethnic group in the United States.

In 2010, United States of America Census, Hispanics and Latinos were approximately thirty-eight percent(38.2% to be exact) of the states population. This is about 9.7 million of Hispanics. The population rose to 11.1 million in 2017.

As of 2017, fourty percent(40%) of Texans identify as Hispanic or Latino, while SEVEN PERCENT(7%) of all judges in the state identify as Hispanic.