The Neolithic Revolution
led people to lead lives based on hunting and gathering
allowed people to live in permanent settlements
reduced people’s need for food and resources
prevented the advance of civilization
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Respuesta :

The Neolithic Revolution allowed people to live in permanent settlements.


The Neolithic Revolution is the phase of transition in which many of the human cultures in the world shifted their lifestyle to permanent settlement and agriculture from hunting and gathering.

This era is also named as First Agricultural Revolution or Neolithic Demographic Transition. The agricultural practices led the cultures to develop the knowledge of domestication of animals and they began to observe and experiment with the plants (to learn or know how they grow and develop).

Neolithic period is named as revolution because this period changed the way of life of most of the communities. This first occurred in so-called "Fertile Crescent" or Mesopotamia (modern Iraq).

The Neolithic Revolution allowed people to live in permanent settlements.

Answer: Option B

Step-by-step explanation:

  • This phase 'Neolithic Revolution' witnessed the change in the behavior of the people, notably the development of habits like hunting and gathering of animals and fruits.
  • Although it is a development of habits, people refer to it as a revolution because it changed the lifestyle of the communities.
  • It dates back to prehistoric times which is said to have happened almost nine thousand years ago. Thereby concluding that, the Neolithic revolution allowed people to live in permanent settlements.