Respuesta :


Cooking as a Culinary Art: Basically the art of preparing food for people while keeping some rules and regulations in mind. While working inside an restaurant or any institution a Culinary artist is supposed to be cooking  for people around while being bounded by a set of rules.


As it indicates the well structured nature of the employee's job who is working inside that restaurant  or any institute. As a professional cook is always bounded by a set of rules which makes him the master of the skills he possess.


The beginning of the culinary arts comes from the process of feeding man, who used his intelligence to obtain food from nature through his own resources, although this was basically to satisfy a need.

Subsequently, with the discovery of fire, the diet of man had great changes due to this element, since at the time of ingesting the food it had already undergone a cooking process.


Culinary art refers to man's abilities to transform food, taking into account important aspects such as ingenuity, creativity and art.