Respuesta :


The Rising Action

The rising action comes when Holmes and Watson begin investigating the strange and alarming story Miss Stoner tells about her present concerns and and about the death of her newly engaged twin sister two years earlier. Her present situation bears so much resemblance to her late sister's situation, including metallic and whistling sounds and sudden abrupt building repair projects, that she turns for help to Holmes. The first step in the rising action is the threatening visit of her stepfather, Dr. Grimesby Roylott of Stoke Moran. He stands darkly in the doorway, an imposing figure, and demands in a loud voice that Holmes refrain from any interference with his family affairs. To prove his point that he is a dangerous man, he invades the room and bends a fire poker with his bare hands.

"Don’t you dare to meddle with my affairs. I know that Miss Stoner has been here. I traced her! I am a dangerous man to fall foul of! See here." He stepped swiftly forward, seized the poker, and bent it into a curve with his huge brown hands.

The rising action continues as Holmes and Watson take a train trip to and make an inspection of Stoke Moran to investigate the premises wherein Miss Stoner and Roylott live, where they are alone as no servants will stay. In the rising action at Stoke Moran, Holmes sees that the sudden structural repairs to the building are undertaken without need; that Miss Stoner's bedroom--the one Roylott has forced her into by his building construction--window cannot be breached from the outside; and that there are several disturbing features of the interior of that room, namely, a bed that can't be moved, a bell cord that rings no bell, an air vent that provides no ventilation. He also notices a saucer of milk in the room adjoining hers, although they keep no cat.

Further suspenseful rising action occurs when Holmes directs Miss Stoner to pretend she has a headache that night and retire to bed as early as she can; to signal him with a lamp in her window that she is there and alone; to gather what she needs for the night and return to her original room (despite its disheveled condition) further down the corridor.
