I don't like your first sentence, 'George Orwell was the author of many amazingly written novels.' Is your essay about the quote, or about George Orwell? The first sentence should be strong and grab the reader's attention, either being a hook or being your topic sentence. I would start it something like this:
George Orwell provides a litany of knowledge and wisdom in his 1945 allegorical novella Animal Farm, including what has become one of his most recognizable quotes; "Man is The Only Creature That Consumes Without Producing."
This might grab the reader's attention, it introduces the topic, an it implicitly asks a question; WHY has this become one of his most recognizable quotes, what is special about it? I'd use the few next sentences of the introduction to present the sub topics that that will be examined in each of the body paragraphs. Maybe one on the quote's context in the novel, perhaps one on your interpretation of its philosophical meaning, etc...
Also ditch the 'In this essay, I will be sharing my thinking about this', that should be obvious from a good topic sentence. Also never use 'I'. Be confident in your information and analysis, state it as fact.