I believe your question is "What are the basics of Architecture?"
Architecture is all about people, places and things.
In order to learn about the answer, let's tackle them one-by-one.
First, architecture is the art or practice of designing or constructing building. The basics are pretty simple.
1. People- this refers to the designers, builders and users. This means architecture is all about those who make architecture and those who use it in order to make conscious decisions. It is all about building an environment for people, thus it focuses too on builders. These environments are catered to users. For example, designing a safe place for disabled people.
2. Places- Traveling is very important in order for you to learn the different kinds of architectures in every country. It is, thus, very significant to know where one will build his plan. It is said that "the power of place" can be everlasting.
3. Things- this refers to the built environment. An example of these are the skyscrapers. These are considered to be the "things" that architects design in order to truly scrape the sky. In architecture, one needs to learn what structures and style he wants for his house, church, school, building and the like.