Provide your response to these questions in an outline form. Be sure to use only relevant facts and substantive examples where appropriate.

1. Assume you have been elected a president. Your goal is to enact a legislative program. Discuss the best way to achieve this objective. Point out the strengths and weaknesses of presidential power, focusing on the factors a president can influence and manipulate.

2. The power of the president is a hotly debated issue. Some scholars refer to an "imperial presidency" despite the Founders' intention to make Congress the "first branch." From the material in the text, argue that Congress is indeed a more powerful branch than the presidency.

3. The text takes a somewhat unconventional view of "gridlock" in government. What does scholarly research tell us about the impact of "gridlock" on legislation? What complicates the notion of "unified" government and how might it be a solution to "gridlock"? Would such a solution be good or acceptable to most Americans?

Respuesta :



Legislative Program: Migration Plan.

Objective: As president-elect my main objective is to reconcile with Congress all the points established in the Migration Plan to effectively conduct my government program that will take shape in the legislative agenda that will be carried out during my term as president of the United States.

Strengths of the Presidential Power:

Within my strengths when promulgating reforms to the Migration Plan, if approved by Congress, we will have all the provisions so that the points set forth therein are carried out in order to provide security to all national and foreign citizens.

Weaknesses :

The possible unrealization of my legislative program due to lack of consensus among political parties within the congress. This situation would jeopardize the execution in the short term of the program being reviewed.


Although the President is the highest governmental authority within a country, it is the Congress who has the power to approve the government programs that as president he wishes to implement since his role is predominant compared to that of the president. The congress has sufficient autonomy to carry out its tasks and carry out reforms for the sake of a final conciliation so that it can approve bills.

The impact of the stagnation in the legislation has been negative, since a large part of the projects that are approved by Congress have an impact on the national economy of the United States and they are directly responsible for passing laws of an economic and financial nature for their subsequent execution A unified government would be complex to carry out due to the political, social and economic magnitude of the country but it would not be impossible to carry out. The results would be acceptable, so they would have to face the problems of lack of innovation, low production and capital.