Answer:1 B. Evenly over the membership year of the membership year.
2.C Net assets of the subsidiary report in the other principal currencies will be higher.
Since the membership is for a definite period it will be spread evenly over the periods it applies because it's to cover membership.
It cant be recognized immediately, nor spread in the fiscal year only, it cannot reflect the customer purchasing pattern because it's not related neither should it wait till he has fulfilled his obligations to the customers because the fees is non refundable.
The loss or gain from foreign exchange transactions can either be from transactions or translations
When it relates to actual purchase or sales it's called transactions and it's reflected in income statement. when it relates consolidation or conversion of subsidiary's account to the parent company it's called translation and its reflected in the net assets.
In the above scenario it's foreign exchange translation and it will reflect in net assets and the because the value of the rupee has appreciated in comparison to the dollar the net assets of the subsidiary reported in the other principal currency will be higher.