Anaerobic aerobic amino acids carbohydrate loading carbohydrates muscle glycogen creatine phosphate adenosine triphosphate fat Cardiorespiratory exercise, also known as exercise, uses oxygen and typically involves using large aerobic muscle groups during continuous activities. Your body produces energy under conditions during the first few seconds of intense exercise. When one of the three phosphates is removed from, ADP is formed and energy is released. is stored in the muscles and is broken down to replenish ATP stores. When participating in low-intensity activities over a long period of time, the body primarily uses for energy. A small amount of from protein can be utilized for energy production during endurance events, but their primary role is to promote muscle growth and help with repair. Your body burns for energy during every type of exercise that lasts longer than 3 sec. Intensity and duration of exercise will affect the percentage of energy that is derived from this source. Endurance athletes may use a training strategy known as to maximize their body's glycogen stores. The body's preferred carbohydrate source during very high intensity exercise for energy is

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Cardiorespiratory exercise, also known as aerobic exercise, uses oxygen and typically involves using large muscle groups during continuous activities. Your body produces energy under anaerobic conditions during the first few seconds of intense exercise. When one of the three phosphates is removed from adenosine triphosphate ADP is formed and energy is  released.  

Creatine phosphate is stored in the muscles and is broken down to replenish ATP stores.  When participating in low-intensity activities over a long period of time, the body primarily uses fats for  energy

A small amount of amino acids from protein can be utilized for energy production during endurance events, but their primary role is to promote muscle growth and help with repair.

Your body burns carbohydrate for energy during every type of exercise that lasts longer than 3 sec. Intensity and duration of exercise will affect the percentage of energy that is derived from this source.  Endurance athletes may use a training strategy known as carbohydrate loading to maximize their body's glycogen stores.  The body's preferred carbohydrate source during yery high intensity exercise for energy is muscle glycogen.

Further Explanation:

Within cells, aerobic respiration may not occur due to several factors, thus, they utilize other means for the generation of energy in the form of ATP and to replenish NAD+ an oxidized form of NADH, the main electron carrier in glycolysis. Pyruvate is produced in the cytoplasm via glycolysis- it is also used as an electron acceptor in a process called fermentation.

For aerobic respiration, overall: C6H12O6 (glucose) + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + ≈38 ATP

In all eukaryotic cells mitochondria are small cellular organelles bound by membranes, these make most of the chemical energy required for powering the biochemical reactions within the cell. This chemical energy is stored within the molecule ATP which is produced. Respiration in the mitochondria utilizes oxygen for the production of ATP in the Krebs’ or Citric acid cycle via the oxidization of pyruvate (through the process of glycolysis in the cytoplasm).

Oxidative phosphorylation describes a process in which the NADH and FADH2 made in previous steps of respiration process give up electrons in the electron transport chain these are converted it to their previous forms, NADH+ and FAD. Electrons continue to move down the chain the energy they release is used in pumping protons out of the matrix of the mitochondria.

This forms a gradient where there is a differential in the number of protons on either side of the membrane the protons flow or re-enter the matrix through the enzyme ATP synthase, which makes the energy storage molecules of ATP from the reduction of ADP. At the end of the electron transport, three molecules of oxygen accept electrons and protons to form molecules of water...

  • Glycolysis: occurs in the cytoplasm 2 molecules of ATP are used to cleave glucose into 2 pyruvates, 4 ATP and 2 electron carrying NADH molecules. (2 ATP are utilized for a net ATP of 2)
  • The Citric acid or Kreb's cycle: in the mitochondrial matrix- 6 molecules of CO2 are produced by combining oxygen and the carbon within pyruvate, 2 ATP oxygen molecules, 8 NADH and 2 FADH2.
  • The electron transport chain, ETC: in the inner mitochondrial membrane, 34 ATP, electrons combine with H+ split from 10 NADH, 4 FADH2, renewing the number of electron acceptors and 3 oxygen; this forms 6 H2O, 10 NAD+, 4 FAD.

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