a) using DO loop, we have the following code:
(define (scalar-product-1 list1 list2)
(do ((remainingList1 list1 (cdr remainingList1))
(remainingList2 list2 (cdr remainingList2))
(final-answer 0 (+ final-answer (* (car remainingList1) (car remainingList2)))))
((null? remainingList1) final-answer)
(define (scalar-product list1 list2) (if (= (length list1) (length list2)) (scalar-product-1 list1 list2) (display "ERROR: Different sizes of vectors\n"))
b) using recursion, we have the following code
(define (scalar-product list1 list2)
(cond ((not(= (length list1)(length list2))) "ERROR: Different sizes of Vectors")
((null? list1) 0)
(else (+(* (car list1) (car list2)) (scalar-product (cdr list1) (cdr list2))))