Shenkerian Analysis is a method in which long and complicated passages of music are reduced to simple melodic lines that help to reveal the intent of the composer. This technique is a type of linear analysis.

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Schenkerian theory in this way proposes that music is made up of various layers. The surface layer of the music can be understood as the elaboration of a simpler layer beneath that surface. A Schenkerian analysis continues this process in order to find still deeper layers; much longer passages can thus be understood as elaborations of simple underlying progressions. The surface of the music is called the foreground, the deepest layer the background and those layers of elaborations in between are referred to as the middleground.

An important feature of Schenkerian analysis is that it shows how melodic figures are elaborations of harmonies.

The basic ideas behind Schenkerian theory are very simple, but the process of analysis can get quite complicated, largely because music itself is complex. Schenkerian analysis can take a while to master, but you will find that it provides richly rewarding insights into the shape and structure of tonal music.