Many Caliovian consumers are committed to using products containing recycled materials. Caliovia's government is about to publish a book that will help consumers identify such products. The book offers a comprehensive listing, by product type and brand, of goods sold in Caliovia that contain recycled materials. However, consumer advocates predict that the book will not lead to a significant increase in Caliovia in the use of products containing recycled materials.

Which of the following, if true, provides the best grounds for the consumer advocates' prediction?

(A) Caliovia does not require product labels to specify whether the product contains recycled materials.

(B) For the most frequently purchased product types listed in the book, all the brands available in Caliovia contain recycled materials.

(C) In many cases, manufacturers that have used recycled materials in their products have done so in order to keep costs low.

(D) New brands of products coming on the market in Caliovia that are made with recycled materials will be at a disadvantage

(E) The book does not specify the exact composition of any of the products it lists.