"The great pillars of all government...[are] virtue, morality, and religion. This is the armor, my friend, and this alone, that renders us invincible." —Patrick Henry What is the main point of the quotation above? A. People understand morality and virtue only because of religion. B. Religion and government will both be better if they are separate. C. Governments without the influence of religion will always be corrupt. D. A government will only be successful with the guidance of religion.

Respuesta :

The main point of the quotation is religion and government will both be better if they are separate.

Option B


The Government is always for the people and by the people. So, the role of the federal government is to protect the people who follow various religion. In a democratic setup the constitution is framed in such way that freedom of practicing religion will be well documented.

Based on the constitution every citizen will be given safety and security to follow the religious practices. So, from the above statement if the religion and government are separated means it will be good to the society.

its d if anyone still needs it lol