What steps were taken by Oedipus’s parents to avoid the fulfillment of the prophecy?
Oedipus was kept locked in a tower in Corinth and refused access to his parents.
Oedipus’s parents sent him to live in Corinth with instructions that he never be told of his parentage.
Oedipus was given to a herdsman to kill, and Laius and Jocasta have no more children.

How did these steps fail?
A mother wolf finds the abandoned infant and suckles him. A farmer then finds him and raises him as his own child. When he is grown, Oedipus learns of his parents’ attempt to kill him as an infant and seeks revenge on them.
A herdsman finds and takes pity on the abandoned infant and takes the baby to Corinth, where he is taken in by the royal family. When the grown Oedipus becomes a man, he hears the oracle that he will kill his parents and flees Corinth, not realizing that the king and queen there are not his biological parents.
The herdsman replaces his wife’s stillborn child with the baby Oedipus and raises Oedipus as his own son. When Oedipus is older, he plays a game with the other boys of the town in which he is elected their king. When he beats a nobleman’s son, he is summoned to the court of Laius, who soon realizes who Oedipus really is.

Respuesta :

1. Oedipus was given to a herdsman to kill, and Laius and Jocasta have no more children.

2. A herdsman finds and takes pity on the abandoned infant and takes the baby to Corinth, where he is taken in by the royal family. When the grown Oedipus becomes a man, he hears the oracle that he will kill his parents and flees Corinth, not realizing that the king and queen there are not his biological parents.

Don't know how to explain the answers. Message me for any other questions you might have.

Answer: 1) Oedipus was given to a herdsman to kill him/2) a herdsman finds and takes pity on the abandoned child and takes him to Corinth. There Oedipus grows up as a prince. Then he kills his biological father (Laius) without realizing we is his father.

Explanation: 1) Laius decided to kill his son because of the prophecy he received/2) prophecy is fulfilled through unconscious forces (i.e. fate = impersonal forces that lead our life are usually called fate).