Competency-based learning as described by the current Carl D. Perkins Act is designed to :
A. Provide knowledge and skills for all aspects of an industry, including entrepreneurship
B. Coordinate educational programs with an emphasis on academic knowledge
C. Support research activities related to vocational training
D. Train students for occupations specified by the Bureau of Labor Statistics

Respuesta :


The correct answer is A. Provide knowledge and skills for all aspects of an industry, including entrepreneurship.


The Carl D. Perkins Act was reenacted in 2018 by the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act, signed into law by President Trump on July 31st, that states that the amendments made by this Act, will take effect as of July 1st, 2019. Particularly, the Section 3, defines on Paragraph 5B, "The term ‘‘career  and technical education’’ include competency-based, work-based, or other  applied learning that supports the development of academic knowledge, higher-order reasoning and problem solving skills, work attitudes, employability skills, technical skills, and occupation-specific skills, and knowledge  of all aspects of an industry, including entrepreneurship, of  an individual". (Citation textually)

Note: Same answer to question 14295314, answered by me today.