The collection of preliminary data (usually secondary data) during the situation analysis stage of the marketing research process may prove necessary in order to define the problem accurately. Information collected during this phase often contributes to changes in the definition of the research problem or the addition or deletion of research objectives.
a) true
b) false

Respuesta :


The answer is letter a, true.


A marketing research process consists of several steps that need to be followed in order for a research to be conducted properly.

Its first step/stage is called the "Situation Analysis Stage." It is at this stage that the researcher seeks to obtain all the necessary information he can collect regarding the problems of the company. It also obtains information including the environment in which the analysis has to be made. This will help define the problem accurately. Research objectives may be altered depending on the information collected. Thus, the answer is letter a, true.

It is also during the Situation Analysis Stage that the researcher conducts personal interviews, seek company records, library materials and trade papers for its source of information.

Additional Information

The Situation Analysis Stage is followed by the Preliminary Investigation, Research Design, Data Collection, Data Processing, Report Preparation and Recommendation (as well as follow-up).