England sought to attract which of the following to its American colonies in the eighteenth century? a. Catholics from France and Spain, thereby weakening England’s enemies. b. Members of nonmainstream religions, particularly Quakers and Anabaptists. c. Wealthy merchants who could spur economic growth in the colonies. d. Professionals and skilled craftsmen from England. e. Protestants from non-English and less prosperous parts of the British Isles.

Respuesta :


The right answer is:

c. Wealthy merchants who could spur economic growth in the colonies.


In the 18th century, Great Britain administered its colonies under a system or mercantilism that aimed at the economic benefit of the metropolis. By mid-century, there was a society with increased living standards and rising demands of comfort and new consumer products that reflected social status. Constant exploration, new settlements and trade provided new economic opportunitities. At some moment, beyond the traditional settlement of poor immigrants from the British islands and other parts of Europe, the colonial authorities encouraged the migration of rich people to take advantage of opportunities of growing trade and in farming in new lands.