Find the independent variables (IV) and dependent variables (DV) in the following scenarios:
1. A test was designed to test the effects of alcohol on motor coordination group one was given a mixed drink with two shots of alcohol in it. Group two was given a mixed drink with one shot of alcohol in it. Then their motor coordination was tested by asking them to do a series of balancing exercises.
2. A study was conducted on sleep deprivation and cognitive performance on a problem solving test. One group of subjects was deprived of 1 hour of sleep, the other group of subjects was deprived of 4 hours of sleep. Then they were given the problem solving test.
3. A recent report found that blueberries enhanced the maze running performance of mice. What was the independent variable and dependent variable of this experiment?
4. We are studying whether or not a new vitamin supplement helps boost memory retention. What is the IV and DV?
5. If I wished to try a new cooperative teaching method and I wanted to study how effective it is compared to the standard lecture method. How would I design my experiment?