A) True
Sextus Empricus linked his skeptical views with the medical science. He also separated skepticism from the teachings of other philosophical schools and opposed to mixing with them. In his works, skepticism is presented as a comprehensive study. Sextus Empricus made significant changes in 10 tropes that proved the basics of skepticism after Enesidemus and systematized them.As we know, other ancient thinkers claim that knowledge is possible. Sextus Empirikus, continued the skepticism philosophy of the former skeptics, but claiming that knowledge was relative. Therefore, he opined that it is necessary to avoid attempts to solve problems and discover the essence of things . In that case, a person will be at he most perfect level of the completeness and informativeness. In his opinion, laws, traditions, rules and habits should be observed. In the meantime, private thinking should also be given to healthy thinking.From the earliest times, those who wanted to prove the relevance and contradiction of the knowledge acquired through emotion, presented their arguments from the books of Sextus Empiricus. His principle of “avoiding problems” was based on facts from medicine, physiology, zoology, physics and other sciences.