Hi! Unfortunately, your answer is incomplete. This, as I found in my research, is a passage from Julius Caesar (Act 1, scene 2, 190 - 195) by William Shakespeare, but you don't say what we are supposed to do with it. Anyways, I'll try to analyze these lines so that you can understand it and answer yourself.
As I said before, this is a passage from Julius Caesar, Act 1, scene 2. These lines are expressed by Caesar in a conversation with Marcus Antonius and the theme discussed is danger and deception. In this excerpt, Caesar is asking Marcus Antonus to let him have next to him big, tough men that and not weak, thin men that think too much. Those, says Caesar, are dangerous. People who think can analyze situations and not obey just because they are told to, so those are pretty dangerous to the ones that want to control everyone without being questioned.
Now that we analyzed the passage, you'll be able to complete the task with your own words. Good luck!