Ethnic families do not fit this model because they adapt and bond by different processes.The way in which a family changes its relationship rules, power structure, and role expectancies in response to either normal developmental changes or crises relates to its __________.

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Theorists use a Circumplex Model to conceptualize clustering of different theoretical concepts from family theory and other social sciences - sociology, psychiatry, etc. This clustering revealed two central dimensions of the way people behave in family systems: Cohesion and Adaptability.

1. Family Cohesion:

is defined as emotional bonding of family members. It includes bonding, boundaries, time, space, decision making, friends, etc.

2. Family Adaptability:

is defined as the way in which a family power structure, roles, rules when they need to respond to situational and developmental stress. In this dimension the concepts of assertiveness, control and discipline, negotiation styles are included.