Functional communication training develops alternative behaviors that are sensitive to establishing operations. This is similar to noncontingent reinforcement and high-p request sequence.

a. True
b. False

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Three antecedent interventions that will contain empirically validated results: 1) non-contingent reinforcement (NCR),2) high-probability (high-p) request sequence, and 3) functional communication training (FCT).

Non-contingent reinforcement (NCR): presents stimuli with known reinforcing properties which are delivered on a fixed-time or variable-time schedule and independent of the learner’s behavior. That aims to effectively decrease problem behavior by making reinforce maintain the problem behavior available freely and frequently. Non-contingent reinforcement uses positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, and automatic reinforcement in order to identify and deliver stimuli with reinforcing properties. While implementing NCR is going on, considerations ought to be given to how often or frequently the procedure will be implemented, terminal criteria for NCR, and any additional procedures that may be used in combination with NCR to enhance its effects.

High-probability (high-p) request sequence: makes the pair of two to five short tasks with that an individual has a history of compliance with a task(s) with the individual does not have a history of compliance. These provide a non-aversive procedure for improving compliance by diminishing escape-maintained problem behaviors and additionally, high-p request sequences might decrease excessive slowness in responding to requests and increase time used for completing tasks. Usage of a high-p request sequence involve: potent reinforcers, acknowledging compliance, and presentation of requests in a rapid sequence.

Functional communication training (FCT): intends to create appropriate communication behavior to compete with problem behaviors. Compared to NCR and high-p request sequences, FCT contritely develops alternative behaviors which are sensitive to establishing operations or motivating operations. The unique thing about FCT is the alternative behavior which is specific to communication for the individual. The specific communication response can vary or be a combination of communication strategies for an individual, but the function remains the same which means to effectively communicate with others. Careful and advanced consideration for the type of communication response and procedures to train the communication response required are warranted.