Respuesta :
Question 1 coudl be either Tu familia es muy simpática or Su familia es muy simpática
Since we are given your as the possessive in English, we know the sentence needs a second person possessive noun. However since in English second person singular and plural use the same pronouns, there is no way to know if we are referring to a single person or to a group. In Spanish there is a difference between plural and singular possessive so we have the two possible answers.
1) Él es mi hermano.
2) Mi familia es muy simpática
We use possessives in Spanish to express mainly possession. If they go before a name they perform the function of a determinant (‘esta es mi casa’) and if they do not accompany any name they are possessive pronouns (‘esta falda es mia’).
For example:
Este es mi coche. (This is my car.)
He estado con mis amigos. (I have been with my friends.)
Este libro es mío. (This book is mine.)