Respuesta :


#include <iostream>


using namespace std;

class Student


   public :

   int grades[20]; //array of grades


   double average(int arr[],int n) //method to calculate average of array of grades passed


       int sum=0;

       for(int i=0;i<n;i++)  //loop to calculate sum of all grades


       return sum/n;   //average is sum of items/number of items


   int get_grade() //method to return grade number(1-14)


       srand(time(NULL));  //method to generate different random number each time

       int num = rand() % 14 + 1;  //method to generate random number b/w 1-14

       return num;



int main()


   Student s;

   int grade[]={5,3,9,8,10};

   cout<<"Average is : "<<s.average(grade,5);

   return 0;



Average is : 7


A class Student is created in which a method named average is there to calculate average of the grades passed and a method to generate a grade number b/w 1-14.