An 8-year-old boy has fallen off his bike and appears to have a broken arm. You have tried to contact the parents, but they cannot be reached. Your next step would be to?
1. Assume that the parents would have given consent for treatment
2. Ask the police for permission to treat
3. Transport the patient but preform no treatment
4. Contact Medical Control and ask if it is okay to transport the patient

Respuesta :




Under circumstances where a minor is injured and you are left without a parent or guardian on hand, the best option in this case would be speaking to experienced professionals as seen in option 4 by contacting Medical Control.  Talking to the police is an option but they are not quite as experienced in the medical field as a doctor and will most likely direct you to a doctor or physician. Both options 2 and 4 would work, but the best option is for you to ask either a doctor on-site or to contact Medical Control.