Respuesta :
Hearing refers to the vibration of sound waves on the ear drums and the sending of messages to the central auditory system of the brain. The mechanism involve the use of Pinna also known as auricle to gather sound waves which is transferred into the tympanic membrane along the air canal.In the tympanic, sound waves vibrate following the waveform of the sound.
In the middle ear, the ossicles of the middle ear(malleus, incus, stape) assist in the transmission of the vibrations from the tympanic membrane into the inner ear (the cochlea).
The cochlea serve as a mechanical-neural transduction pathway, it helps to transmit sound information via the auditory nerve to the cochlear nucleus in the brainstem.
Listening refers to paying close attention to and making sense of those sounds perceived from the surrounding environment . It is the ability to get the right information without any misinterpretation in the communication process. It is the key to any effective communication.
Interference refers to the vibration of sound waves on the ear drums and the sending of messages to the central auditory system of the brain.
Listening refers to paying close attention to sound and making sense of those sounds.