Every team goes through 5 phases of team development. These phases are:
- Forming: This happens when the team first meets. They are not working in the project just yet but getting to know each other instead. The team leader provides the goals expected from the team.
- Storming: The members compete in status and for the acceptance of their ideas. They are not working together as a team yet. They have different opinions on how things are supposed to be done and this leads to conflict.
- Norming: They begin to work as a team. They are trying to find a way to work together. They respect each other's opinions and value their differences.
- Performing: They work as a very high level, the members trust and rely in each other.
- Adjourning: The project is reaching its conclusion and members are moving to new directions and projects.
The question asks:
In the storming stage of team development, team members will have accepted team goals, be operating as a unit, and, as indicated by the increase in performance, be working together effectively
We know that in the storming stage the members are still competing for status and conflict appears, they haven't accepted the team goals nor they work together effectively. Thus, this is FALSE.