String is an example of an immutable class. The Person class that is started below, is not. Add the method haveBirthday that will increase the person’s age and the getter and setter method for the name variable. public class Person{ private String myName; private int myAge; public Person(String name, int age){ myName = name; myAge = age; } public void printMe(){ System.out.println("Name: " + myName + "\tAge: " + myAge); }

Respuesta :


import static java.lang.System.out;

class Person


private String myName;

private int myAge;

String getName()    //getter for myName


 return myName;


void setName(String name)   //setter for myName




public Person(String name, int age)


 myName = name;

 myAge = age;


 public void printMe()


  System.out.println("Name: " + myName + "\tAge: " + myAge);


public int haveBirthday()   //Age is incremented


 return myAge+=1;




public class Abc    


public static void main (String args[])


 Person p=new Person("rajpal",22);    //object for class is created

 System.out.println(p.getName()+" age after birthday is "+p.haveBirthday());




Method for age increment i.e. haveBirthday() is created and a new main class is creted which is callinh haveBirthday() method.