The solutions to most mystery novels I read are not believable. However, my enjoyment of a mystery novel depends only on its suspenseful mood and colorful characters.Norton: Roughly 80% of the mystery novels I read have believable solutions, which is good since I do not enjoy mystery novels that don’t have believable solutions.Which one of the following can be inferred from the speakers’ statements above? a. Arthur does not enjoy mystery novels with believable solutions.b. Norton enjoys most mystery novels he reads.c. Arthur and Norton have not read any of the same mystery novels.d. Norton does not enjoy some novels he reads.

Respuesta :

Answer: Option B


Norton enjoys most of the mystery novels he reads because it is stated that 80% of the mystery novels he reads has believable solutions ,80% represents most of the mystery novels he reads and has believable solutions .he also stated that he doesn't enjoy mystery novels that doesn't have believable solutions, with this, we can conclude that these novels that don't like believable solutions constitute 20% of the novels he read.

From the above analogy, it can be inferred that Norton enjoys most of the mystery novels he reads because they constitute 80% of the believable solutions that makes him like them.