Using random sampling technique, select 3 grid segments for a sample taken from the plot above. List the 3 grid segments you selected. (1 point)

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I don't know exactly what you need but I give you an example so that you can create your samples through the Excel program, I hope it helps.

Just enter your sampling frame (the clients of which you have contact information) in the spreadsheet. Once you have a sampling frame (possible respondents) in Excel, you can easily select a random sample among them. For example, in your case that it is a work of biology and neceists three random samples here you can apply it with the following rules:

-Add a new column in the spreadsheet and name it "Random Number".

-In the first cell below your header row, type "= RAND ()".

-Press “Enter” and a random number will appear in the cell.

-Copy and paste the first cell in the other cells of the column.

-Once each row has a random number, organize the records from the "Random number" column.

-Then, select the first samples. In this way you will randomly choose from all samples.