Respuesta :
SELECT School_name,School Dean Last Name, School Dean First Name,Department Name, Department Chair Last Name, Department Chair First Name
FROM table_name
ORDER BY School Name,Department Name
SELECT School_Name, School_DeanLastName, School_DeanFirstName, Department_Name, Department_ChairLastName, Department_ChairFirstName
FROM (School INNER JOIN Department ON School.School_ID = Department.School_ID);
ORDER BY School.SName ASC, Department.Name DESC;
Explanation: SQL Query
Inner join: The inner join keyword selects records that have matching values in both tables. It also avoid repetition of data.
After SELECT keyword, we use tablename.columnName
ORDER BY: Use to sort data on the base of some condition. Here we assume that School_Id is the primary key in table School and foreign key in the table Department.
ASC: Used to sort in ascending order.
DESC: used to sort in descending order.
Happy Coding :)