When you round decimals, your looking at the place value, then your looking at the place value next to it.
If you see a number that is 0 - 4 behind the place value your rounding to, you do nothing to the place value.
If you see a number that is 5 - 9 behind the place value your rounding to, you add one to the place value.
Round the Number 71.25 to the Tenths place.
When we go to the place value, Tenths, we go behind the Tenths place value:
2 is the Tenths place value, 5 is the place value behind the Tenths place value.
Since 5 is able to be rounded up, you add one to the tenths place.
It should be rounded to 71.3. There cannot be numbers where you've rounded, just zeroes.
Round the Number 3,345.8493 to the Thousands place.
3 is the Thousands place, 3 is the place value behind the Thousands place value.
3 is not in between 5 - 9. So, the rounded answer is 3,000.
When numbers behind the Place Value cannot round the Thousands place value, it turns into zeroes too.
Round 76070.7376413 to the Hundredths place value.
The 3 is the Hundredths place value, the 7 is the place value behind the Hundredths place value.
7 qualifies for the numbers 5 - 9.
Therefore, you add 1 to the hundredths place value.
Your final answer is (76,070.74)
Best of Luck to you.
If you have any questions, feel free to comment below.
Merry Christmas!